How I’m filling my quarantine days

setting over a table draped in white table cloth
How I'm filling my quarantine days

Working from home was nothing new to me, as I have often worked from home in the past few years. And yes, this time it is very different, as it brings many struggles for all of us. Not everyone is equipped to work from home for so long. Not everyone has a place at home for healthy work the whole day long. And not everyone can be in the same place for so long.

One thing for me is clear, and that is that I want to set my own working routine and pace. It is easy to get unmotivated and lazy being at home. In one of my first quarantine posts, I shared some tips on how to keep healthy tips on your own well-being, and now let me give you some insights on what I have been up to these days, and maybe inspire you to do something similar.

It has been now a month since I have self-isolated and worked from home. So how am I filling my days during this lockdown period?

Work out
Even though I have canceled my gym membership, it doesn’t stop me to not exercise. Especially by staying at home, eating actually much more than I would be outside, and having significantly less step count,  I want to keep on track with my health and weight by keeping myself active.

I have downloaded a yoga app to my phone and started doing yoga at least 4 times a week, followed by half an hour or one-hour HIIT exercise targeting different parts of my body. I am using Daily Yoga app and then following various IG live workouts, and Youtube videos, or setting my set of exercises by myself.

How I'm filling my quarantine days

Spring clean
I have just recently moved flats, so spent several days and weeks cleaning up, unboxing boxes, and making my new place a bit like home. It is a great opportunity now to do a deep cleaning, throw unwanted items, and make your place a perfect place for work as well. Even though many charities may be closed, you can still drop your boxes at charity banks so they can pick them up later. With a spring clean, I have re-decorated my rooms, spent my time shopping for interior details, and make the space feel like home, as you will be now spending so much time in.

With so much time on your hand, sit down and reflect your thoughts on a piece of paper or even digitally. Write about anything, about your feelings, experiences, a piece of thought journal on an interesting book or article you read, or even a tutorial for someone on something. You have plenty of places to publish your thoughts. If you are writing a professional piece of work, look at LinkedIn or Medium to publish it, set up a blog, publish it on social media or make a video even. If you are a passionate writer, or journalist, and looking for a place to publish your articles, Bridge of Memories is open for new contributors all the time. Check my guidelines and leave me an email!
Having so much time for myself, I can finally manage to sit down and work on my blog posts properly, had so many things from traveling I had done early this year that I wanted to share but never had enough time to wrap up something.

Styling and Shooting
As part of my part-time job, working on this blog and TP Studio, a branding, and marketing studio, I often shoot content for clients and projects. In this quarantine time, I am actively looking for new projects to work on, and spending my parts of the day either developing relationships, brainstorming ideas, or even actually styling and shooting the products and concepts themselves. I actually love these days when I have shooting days to do because I let my mind fly around and be creative whilst sticking to the mood board and guidelines I have set up with my clients. If you are a small business or entrepreneur yourself and looking for somebody to capture your brand essence or to get more photo assets for your social media or web, feel free to reach out to discuss potential collaboration together.

How I'm filling my quarantine days
How I'm filling my quarantine days

Sometimes, I fill my afternoons with baking. Tried our already various pastries, cupcakes, loaf cakes, and even brownies. A perfect opportunity to try out something new. Especially I love those afternoon tea times with a piece of cake or morning coffee with a bite of something sweet. I usually search online for recipes and share my final results on Instagram stories. Would love to see some of your baking recipes, so share with me if you have something worth trying out! Next on my list are scones and cookies to try out.

Same as baking, now we are eating the whole day at home, unless for those lazy days when we order food, but it is a great opportunity again to brush up your skills in cooking and get better at it with new recipes and meals. Your food menu should get pretty colorful and with a variety of options. There are plenty of resources online for you to browse, so get yourself online or even on a call with a friend to cook together something.

How I'm filling my quarantine days

How I'm filling my quarantine days

Video calls and chatting
Just because we have to respect social distancing, that does not mean stopping talking and avoiding our family and friends. We are all used to phone calls, instant messaging, and other apps that allow us to communicate with each other. Whether it is with work-related matters or friendly catch-ups. There are plenty of new creative apps and ways to keep in touch with each other, play games online, pub quizzes online, or even virtually exercise or cook together.

During this difficult time, I feel like it is a great opportunity to know who are the greatest friends in life, we learn how to further nurture and grow stronger bonds with each other, and we allow more quality time to spend with others.

Now there is no excuse for you to not do those things you always wanted to learn. Not only hobby-wise but learning actual skills for your professional life. Sign up for online courses, get the certification done, watch some videos or buy a book to read. With the world stopping around, you should not stop educating yourself and learning something new. I have personally taken on some training, and certification that I need to complete, and have one book open to finish it off.

How I'm filling my quarantine days

I have never been a fan of reading, it always took me weeks to read even one chapter. However, for this year, I have given myself the resolution to read at least one new book each month. Whether it is a physical book or an e-book. The genre of the book is your choice. With libraries and bookshops being closed, it is still not an excuse to get a hold of some great book titles yourself online or digitally. Shall we do some book club to share what we have read and what we are planning to read?

Quarantine birthday
Who else joins the squad of us who has to celebrate their birthday in quarantine? Whether you have or you are planning to be staying home for your birthday, here are some tips to make it worthwhile and memorable still. Firstly, make sure to make an effort to change yourself into something nice, put on some make-up, and even do your hair if you wish. Secondly, cook a nice meal or order food in, don’t forget about a dessert or a cake as well so you can blow out those candles. And lastly, whether you live with your family, partner, or alone, get your group of friends online and have some evening fun with a glass of wine or group games.

How I'm filling my quarantine days
How I'm filling my quarantine days
Wearing a champagne colour dress from Femme Luxe Finery.

I am actually enjoying the given time I have now time to re-focus and focus on my needs, both for my personal well-being and professionally. How many new skills and hobbies you will continue after quarantine is over? And how are you spending your quarantine days?