How To Prepare Your Home Before A Holiday Trip

How To Prepare Your Home Before A Holiday Trip

Getting ready for a holiday can be quite a whirlwind. Whether you’re gearing up for an epic road trip or dusting off that passport for an international escapade, one thing is certain – holidays demand some serious prep work. Amid all the packing frenzy and ticket shuffling, it’s easy to forget the basics, such as ensuring your home stays safe and your wallet is happy while you are off globetrotting. Below are some helpful tips to ensure your home is snug and your holiday is a total blast. 

  1. Clean and tidy up your home

Between the scramble of packing your bags and triple-checking your travel plans, stuff like vacuuming and disinfecting may not be part of your pre-holiday fun list. That’s very understandable. But a little effort now can save you from a pesty party featuring ants, mites, and other unwelcome critters. It’s worth sparing an hour for a swift home clean before you jet off. You should note that returning to a tidy home is the ultimate post-holiday treat. 

  1. Disconnect all gadgets 

This step can keep your home safe from electrical mishaps while you’re soaking up the sun. You also don’t have to worry about soaring energy bills; you can save at least £120 each year. If you leave a gadget plugged in, it’s still quietly munching away at electricity even if you’re not using it. Therefore, disconnect everything before leaving for your holiday trip. 

  1. Be particular about your windows

You can consider your neighbours if you’re wondering whether to shut them tight or let them be. If you’ve got nosy neighbours or folks on your street who might have a curious eye for your valuables, closing your blinds before heading out is not a bad idea. However, if you’ve got the kind of neighbours who tend to keep an eye out when things seem out of the ordinary, consider leaving those blinds as usual. Sometimes, an unobstructed view into your home can be handy for your neighbours or the police to check for any unusual goings-on. Another thing you should consider is your windows’ functionality. If they allow rain to enter your home, you may keep worrying about water damage on your holiday, which isn’t what you want. Thankfully, new windows can address this issue, so keep this in mind. 

  1. Take away the spare key

If you’ve got a friend house-sitting for you, ensure they’ve got a spare key and aren’t fumbling around with a hide-a-key rock. If intruders are snooping around, the front door and its surroundings are the first spots they’ll scope out for that hidden key. So, save yourself the headache and hand your spare key to your buddy. 

Going on your holiday trip is good for your health as it helps you relax while giving your body some good exercise. However, you may worry if you don’t prepare your living space, which is the last thing you want on your leisure trip. Therefore, consider these tips to ensure your home is ready for your holiday trip.